Pricing/Fees Structure (课程费用-中文版在下面)
Training Fees are as follows:
*All Training Fees are standard & same for all students.
1 to 1 Computer Lesson🖥💻 Basic Training (Once a Week) - 1 Hour 30 Minutes
If you come to AEON🛍Taman Equine Shopping🛒Mall.
The Fee is RM198 per Lesson (you may pay after) the lesson.
This is a Discounted price and the Cheapest price.
**This RM180 is a Discounted Price & the Cheapest Fee Offered For 1st Time Student Only.
If you want me to travel to your place, add RM100, Total RM298 (pay in advance).
**Distance travel to your location must be Within 30 kilometers or Not More Than 30 minutes by car. Need to drive to your area & then drive back. (Driving duration is an hour).
The BEST Choice: Drive to AEON🛍Taman Equine Shopping🛒Mall for the Basic Lesson as it is The Cheapest: RM198 ONLY
One to Two
My Basic Computer🖥💻Training Lesson is 1 to 1. However, if you need 1 to 2, that can also be arranged! You and your friend brother or sister may study together (1 Hour 30 Minutes). Additional RM100 will be applied. Total fee is Rm198+100=RM298 (2 students studying together)
*Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon Lesson are more expensive as these four days are busy days - WhatsApp me at 018-2818-268 or 016-932-3232 for more details. If you insist on these four days. I will help you to arrange.
Tuition Fees SUMMARY!
Learn Once a Week, each Lesson Fee is Rm198. **The cheapest Tuition Fee.
Fee is Rm218 per Lesson for those student who Learn (3 times in a Month)
Fee is Rm248 per Lesson for those student who Learn (2 times in a Month)
Fee is Rm286 per Lesson for those student who Learn (at least Once a Month).
*Fee is Rm318 per Lesson for those student who stop then come back to continue.
**Returning Learners have to pay RM198x4=Rm792 in advanced in order to enjoy the Rm198 Discount Again.
For Cancellation, please Notify me 7 days In Advance. Other wise, there is No Replacement.
*If frequently you need Cancelation, Postpone or Re-Schedule timing. Then you should take Flexi Day & Time Training. Training fee is RM318 per Lesson (pay in advance). I will then arrange the Day & Time accordingly to when you wish to learn.
***Special Consultation/Services: Building/Designing/Editing/Modifying/Updating your Website/Homepage (Company/Personal), Advertising, Advertising Design, Artificial Intelligence and etc... that SKIP ALL THE BASIC. To Manage/Handle your specific Business or Personal Computing problems. Professional Consultation Service Fee will start from RM468++ per Lesson (pay in advance) for One Hour depend on How Complex & How Complicated is your issues.
*All Training Fees are standard & same for all students. Training Fees are Subject to Change Without Prior Notice.
1对1电脑🖥💻基础培训班 (每个星期一次) - 一小时30分钟
如果您来AEON🛍Taman Equine Shopping🛒Mall
培训费用为 每堂课RM198 (课后) 才付款.
**这 RM198 是折扣价,也是为第一次学生提供的最便宜费用。
如果您需要我去您的地方, 另加RM100, 总费用 RM298 (必须提前付款).
我需要开车到您那里然后再开车回来 (驾驶时间需要一个小时)
最好的选择是您驾驶来到AEON🛍Taman Equine Shopping🛒学习. 在这里学习电脑基础培训班是最便宜的了. 只需RM198
我的电脑课程是一对一的. 但,如果您想要一对二也可以的 (您和您的朋友,兄弟或姐妹在一個半小时内一起学习), 额外收费是添加 Rm100 Total 总费用是 Rm198+100=RM298 (2人同时一起学习)
* 星期五, 星期六, 星期日和星期一 的课程比较贵,因为这四天很忙 - 但, 如果您强制和坚持需要在这四天,请通过WhatsApp018-2818-268或016-932-3232联系我. 我可会帮您安排的.
一个星期学1次,每次收费Rm198. **最便宜的学习费用.
***如果您经常需要取消、推迟或重新安排时间. 那么您应该参加 Flexi Day & Time 培训班. 培训费用为每节课 RM318 (必须提前付款). 我将会根据您想要的学习日期和时间以安排。
***特别咨询/服务:建立/设计/编辑/修改/更新您的网站/主页(公司/个人)、广告、广告设计、人工智能等等... 跳过所有基本内容. 管理/处理您的特定商业或个人的电脑问题. 专业咨询服务费用将从 RM468++ 每一小时令吉以上 (必须提前付款),具体取决于您的问题的复杂程度.